Enhancing Real-Time Threat Detection with Microservices, Streaming Data, and AI

Johan Louwers
6 min readSep 30, 2024
Streaming data — Johan Louwers
Streaming Data

In today’s intelligence landscape, the ability to detect threats in real time is a critical requirement for national security organizations. By combining microservices architecture, streaming data platforms, and AI-driven analytics, agencies can transform vast volumes of data into actionable insights, allowing them to detect threats as they emerge. This post will cover how open-source tools, Python, and well-established design principles can be leveraged to build a real-time threat detection system, complete with guidance on implementing CI/CD pipelines for continuous deployment and improvement.

The Backbone of Scalable Architectures

At the heart of modern real-time systems is microservices architecture, which allows large applications to be broken down into small, independent services. In a real-time threat detection system, each microservice is responsible for a distinct function, such as data ingestion, preprocessing, or running AI models for threat analysis.

The modularity of microservices brings several key advantages to real-time systems. Since each service handles one task, development teams can update individual components independently without disrupting the entire system. For example, a data ingestion service could collect…



Johan Louwers

Johan Louwers is a technology enthousiasts with a long background in supporting enterprises and startups alike as CTO, Chief Enterprise Architect and developer.